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LinkedIn Hard Mode Data and Posts

Kelly Adams

Updated: Dec 20, 2022


In the beginning of this year I wanted to start creating content on LinkedIn. I heard of the benefits from people: growing your network, getting noticed by recruiters, and showcasing your skills. But I didn't know how. Until I stumbled upon theLinkedIn Hard Mode Challenge created by Albert Bellamy was about posting original content for 30 days straight on LinkedIn. You can read more about the challenge here. There are a few rules but the main ones are:

  • Posting original content everyday for 30 days straight

  • No sharing content

  • No links in the post body but there can be in the comments

  • Pictures and videos are allowed but they have to be original content

For 30 days I created original content on LinkedIn.

Quick Links:

Table of Contents:



I analyzed my data in Microsoft Excel, then used Tableau Public to create an interactive dashboard.

Microsoft Excel

I used Microsoft Excel to record my stats. I had the following columns:

  1. Date

  2. Profile Views

  3. New Connections

  4. Total Connections


  6. Reactions


  8. Topic

  9. Description

I also had a summary section on the side. For the views, reactions, and comments I had the average, maximum and minimum values for all. At the bottom of the sheet I had the total number of connections I gained, views, reactions, and comments. All of which are displayed in the final dashboard. I included a basic line chart for post views and engagement.

Below is my chart for post views:

Below is my chart for engagement:


In my dashboard I included the following metrics:

  1. Total number of profile views: 1,460

  2. Views of my latest post: 2,275

  3. Totals

    1. Views: 53,522

    2. Comments: 356

    3. Number of connections: 581

    4. Likes: 711

  4. Average:

    1. Views: 1,784

    2. Comments: 11

    3. New Connections per Day: 3

    4. Likes: 23

For the charts. I have two separate charts:

  1. Post Views

  2. Post Engagement (likes and comments)

The dashboard design is based off of LinkedIn's website. I created the background design using Figma.


Finished Project

Dashboard with Kelly Adams LinkedIn Hard Mode Stats based off of the design of the LinkedIn website. There is a graph with the post views and post engagement below


Overview of the Data

  1. Total number of profile views: 1,460

  2. Views of my latest post: 2,275

  3. Totals

    1. Views: 53,522

    2. Comments: 356

    3. Number of connections: 581

    4. Likes: 711

  4. Average:

    1. Views: 1,784

    2. Comments: 11

    3. New Connections per Day: 3

    4. Likes: 23



  • Day 7 had the most views/engagement even though it was posted on a Sunday, I believe my opening line had a part in that

  • Generally post engagement mirrored the amount of views it received

  • Out of the 5 categories I generally post about, the one who generated the most views was self-improvement, specifically with habits and systems

  • The day of the week I posted didn't seem to impact views/engagement, some posts on the weekend were just as popular as those on the weekdays

  • Day 12 had one of the lowest views and engagement, still not sure why (it was one of my favorite posts of the challenge)


What I Learned

  • What content works best for me (formatting)

  • The benefit of LinkedIn and being active

  • How to connect and network with others



Overall the challenge was enjoyable. I met some amazing people, dialed down my system for posting and generating ideas, and improved my writing. Because of this challenge I'm going to continue posting on LinkedIn twice a week (maybe more if inspiration strikes me).


My Posts

Below are links to all of my posts during the 30 days:

© Kelly J. Adams - 2024

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