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Kelly Adams
Nov 17, 20233 min read
Learn in Public - Share Your Data Analytics Journey
Finding a data analyst job is hard right now. The market is tough and there’s a lot of people out there who want to break in. To be...
Kelly Adams
May 19, 20233 min read
Transform Your Network: Create a Team for a Successful Data Career
Why network? With networking you can open the door for new opportunities, learn something from others or make new friends. The benefits...
Kelly Adams
Apr 21, 20233 min read
The Power of Networking
Good news! I recently started a new part time job with a startup called Subset. It's not a full time data analyst job (which I'm still...
Kelly Adams
Mar 3, 20237 min read
How I Reach Out to Recruiters on LinkedIn
A few weeks ago I decided to reach out to recruiters/hiring managers. I've heard great results from my network and I wanted to give it a...
Kelly Adams
Feb 3, 20235 min read
3 Simple Ways to Become Active on LinkedIn
I've been consistently active on LinkedIn for over a year and a half. I had a LinkedIn profile since college but rarely used it. Through...
Kelly Adams
Sep 16, 20227 min read
A Guide to Coffee Chats
A few weeks ago I posted on LinkedIn about what I've been working on. It wasn't another data analytics project or a blog post. It was...
Kelly Adams
Jul 1, 20223 min read
3 Tips for Growing on LinkedIn
I've been consistently using LinkedIn for about a year. I began with a small network (100 connections) last year. I had an account but I...
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